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A&D Mortgage has a centralized appraisal management system, AD Appraisal Center, that allows you to save time and stress of logging into multiple accounts at different AMCs.
Why AD Appraisal Center is Great:
- Single point of entry and interface for all appraisal AMCs
- Pick AMC of choice and not need to become an approved broker for each AMC
- Get live quotes and compare prices from different AMCs within a single portal
- Can select from dozens of different AMCs and place an order at the same time
- AMCs will be continually added and evaluated to increase Broker choice
- Ability to communicate and rebut appraisals in one location
- Track status of each and every appraisal order
- One-click payment processing to the borrower
- Centralized communication platform to track comments and conversations between AMC and Broker for each appraisal.
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